Maru/HUB provides a connected and holistic understanding of consumer behavior and emotion by integrating System 1 and System 2 measurements into all our capabilities and solutions.

Our tools and software are rooted in behavioral science innovation. We empower researchers to capture the behavioral response and emotional reaction that overwhelms the human decision-making process in one dynamic research platform.

 Hub is the first System 1-enabled research software, meaning that most question types capture both the total response and the implicit response. Hub uses timed data to calculate the averages per question and answer choice to identify the truly implicit responses, distinguishing those respondents who are responding emotionally vs. rationally. Ultimately, this makes analysis more accurate and insightful and helps us close the say/do gap.

Emotional Signature is our proprietary visual semiotics tool that captures unarticulated feelings and emotions. This enables us to identify emotions associated with brands, experiences, concepts, messages, content, and more.

Our connected System 1 and System 2 apps enable us to holistically understand consumers by covering all aspects of how they feel, behave, and think about the stimulus, an issue, or an experience.


We performed quantitative research to demonstrate the strength of the relationship of fast implicit data with consumer behavior.

  • Public Opinion Poll

    We deliver insights into citizen-consumer attitudes, opinions, & behaviors. We snap polls for collaborative media partners & clients alike. Read our latest public releases.

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  • Maru Research Papers

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The Experience & Insights platform

To learn more about Maru's powerful research ecosystem and how we deliver insights at speed, please contact us today.