Polling Protocols
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Public Opinion Poll
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The world is changing:
The public opinion landscape has fundamentally changed. For consumer-citizens, their world has been altered, their attitudes are in upheaval, and their perspectives are shifting as they adjust to whatever a new normal will be.
Public opinion research is your gateway to insight—for those in public affairs, public and media relations, corporate and institutional reputation, strategic communications, policy development, and stakeholder and community outreach. Whether an in-depth sounding or public media release, we’ve got you covered from your own backyard to the global stage.
Because when the world changes and reading public opinion is necessary or a challenge, we’ve got the tools and techniques for you to #KnowEverything.
We offer a wide range of public opinion research fulfillment. We can start from scratch or fill in the gaps. Our various survey panels across multiple demographics allow you to either skim the treetops of public opinion or get to the root of opinion by tapping into every conceivable audience whose voice is important to you. Whether it’s attitudes from the super affluent or the groundswell from community activists, we can help you get the right insights tailor-made to your needs.
Speed is our specialty: we can snap your general population citizen-consumer polls from the close of design to the delivery of data tables in just over 24 hours—and for other unique samples, we can have the results in your hands in blistering speed compared to others.
Features include:
Advice and counsel on opinion poll development—including issue identification and consummate “ballot” questions
Topline analysis with recommendations with PowerPoint
Full-on reporting—from questionnaire development to report, PPT, and presentation
Topical syndicated studies
Reputation research benchmarking and tracking on key determinants
Audience identification for deep dive segmentation
Activist and advocate population profiling and motivations
Ranking and effectiveness of key messages
Membership and employee surveys
Online and in-person focus groups
Qualitative video embedded in quantitative instruments
Elite and stakeholder interviews
Community engagement sound boarding
Social Media measurement
Social Media Measurement
Our clients also employ our unique influencer social media listening tool which analyzes how members of topical communities relevant to individual brands react to content, tweets, and even websites. We offer a concept testing solution, Concept Connections, which measures how people Think, Feel and Behave to messaging, designs and ideas, along with a visual semiotics tool, Brand Emotion, which helps companies understand what emotions their brand evokes in the hearts and minds of their consumers.
Reach for Global Insight
We also provide global research through our offices around the world and with our working partners. Our Public Opinion Research team has done research in over 40 countries. From our offices in Canada, the United States, the UK, and Buenos Aires, we undertake global research regularly using panels in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and Thailand. We can also tailor-make your global research needs using other fully certified vendors.
This is a specialty we excel at for our clients—creating balanced, truthful, public opinion research that helps tell a story or profile an issue, that is released into the public domain for media and stakeholder consumption. Our leadership has more experience than anyone else in the marketplace to do this—they’ve created and dispersed over 1500 public releases that have garnered media attention around the world.
Our unique expertise is unparalleled in providing clients with newsworthy polls: our public opinion research division leadership has worked over the past 30 years as the public opinion agency of record for titans of the news media industry including the Associated Press, Reuters International, CNN International, McClatchy News Service, the Economist, the National Post, the Globe and Mail, CTV News, Global News, CBC, and NEWSTALK 1010.
What makes us valuable to clients who want to release a poll into the media for coverage is simple: we’ve done work on both sides of the street so we know how it all comes together—from the headline and op-ed to the proliferation amongst social media to the use of the results for a news conference, report, or presentation. And, speed is a specialty: we can snap your general population citizen-consumer polls from the close of design to the delivery of data tables in just over 24 hours—and for other unique samples, we can have the results in your hands in blistering speed compared to others.
Unlike others in this space, our leadership have acted as media spokespeople for many of those news outlets—which means thousands of hours of experience doing TV stand up and double-ender spots, radio and print interviews, news conferences, and social media broadcasts. In fact, they’ve even anchored dozens of business talk shows and had their own radio broadcast and commentary programs with high profile and prestigious media outlets for years.
Features include:
Consultation about and drafting of the opinion poll
Advice and counsel on release strategy
Data sample collection and data tables
Topline summary and media Factum for use in your release
Review of your materials to ensure the content and interpretation sync with the findings
Final materials including Factum, data questions, and tables, for posting
A PPT and or full report if required
Spokesperson capacity if desired
With all of that, we not only can provide you with the data to attract attention but work seamlessly with public and media relations leaders and consultants to create a winning strategy and platform and hone your delivery.
And if you’re an MR or PR firm, or a public affairs lobbyist or management consultant, we can provide you with not only the substance for media coverage but also the depth for attendant reports and briefs that are at the heart for what you are trying to accomplish. If you want to undertake a poll for public release, here are our protocols for doing so.
Vertical Panel Slices
The bedrock of our service is actually our panels. Not only can they produce results that are reflective of the general public but also house unique groupings that provide perfect pitch polling platforms.
Want pinpoint targeting for your survey work? Our polling can be laser-focused on not only any demographic or socioeconomic dimension but also by attribute or activity categories ranging from:
Food and beverage consumption purchasing habits,
Health attitudes and afflictions,
Media usage and online activities to
Social and political perspectives,
Hobbies, sports and entertainment to
Travel, and transportation.
If you need to anchor your pitch within a specific population, we have you covered.
The integrity of our polling public releases is crucial to our clients and our own reputation. We rigorously abide by the conduct, transparency and accountability requirements of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).
Want to test an idea, message, or concept within a short time amongst the American or Canadian or global general population? Our Omnibus is the most accurate and affordable way to gauge the pulse of the consumer, instantly.
Features include:
Monday to Friday access to 1,500 nationally represented American or Canadians
Senior research staff to help with survey development
Interactive, engaging surveys that provide better quality responses
Three question minimum purchase
Results in 24 hours
In Canada, the option to run province-only surveys in BC, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec
Actionable insights delivered in Excel. Custom outputs available for an additional cost upon request
Global omnibus available upon request
Require thousands of completes within hours? Our DIY tool, provides thousands of completes within hours across Canada, U.S. and UK, using 3rd party sample sources. The tool provides easy programming, programmatic sampling, instant deployment, and automated reporting with longitudinal tracking.
Want to do it yourself, but just don’t have the time for everything? Our researchers can help you get your project off the ground with questionnaire design, reporting, or even press release support. You can be assured your sample will be of the highest quality, with known respondents from the industry’s most reputable online sample— (U.S.), Maru Voice Canada, and Maru Voice UK.