Employee surveys

Employees are the most important asset for any business. Our employee research helps organizations understand employee needs to enrich their working lives. Maru has over 20 years of expert advisory experience to help you map a positive journey for your employees.

Whether it is employee experience, employee engagement, employee satisfaction surveys, or employee communities you are looking for, Maru specializes in understanding how employees feel, behave, and think.

We use our unique software to identify, measure and direct the employee response to emotions. Our unique IP is embedded in our software so that it is now possible to measure emotion and its impact at scale. This use of our software capabilities, in combination with traditional measures, unlocks new insights which lead to better employee experience outcomes.


Measuring emotion, the missing dimension.

Our solutions include:

Identifying the right employee metrics for you

We focus on how a company can help an employee become more customer-focused, become more engaged with the company values, and more satisfied with their everyday job.

Our work is dedicated to understanding what is important to employees and examining their priorities. Valuable personnel is left with positive and negative impressions as they move through the various touchpoints at a company. These perceptions, in the form of feelings and memories, last long after they have left a company and contribute to that company’s legacy.

Positive experiences lead to productive, more engaged employees who produce better quality work, have lower absenteeism, better health, and improved customer relations. It is the foundation upon which employee engagement is built.

You know your staff satisfaction scores. You’ve been tracking them for years and have been struggling to improve or understand why they are declining. You’re clear on the challenges of pay, communication, and work/life balance. What you wrestle with is “why?”

Why are your employees still not satisfied even though we’ve acted on these issues? What are their emotional needs?

Employees are telling you what they are thinking. What’s lacking is how they are feeling.

The Experience & Insights platform

To learn more about Maru's powerful research ecosystem and how we deliver insights at speed, please contact us today.

Feel, behave, think methodology

Emotion is the missing dimension in employee experience, engagement, and satisfaction research. It is a valuable component you can add to your insight to achieve a holistic understanding of your employees’ experience at work and what an ideal employee experience would really feel like.

Painting a better picture

Our unique Emotional Signature software capability uses the principles of visual semiotics to reveal the intuitive, behavioral science System 1 emotion that primes employee behavior and attitudes. Emotions humanize the metrics and scores so often presented in employee feedback to paint a richer picture of what the employee experience really feels like enabling engagement with and action from the feedback.

Maru's employee research experience extends across sectors such as retail, financial services, manufacturing, business services, facilities management, construction, healthcare, technology, and transport.

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